Saturday, August 11, 2007

Getting Started on the RIGHT Foot.

As a professional in the field, I'm sure you're not surprised that I am a big believer in getting good financial advice. Well, ... and giving it, too!!

Wherever you are, wherever you've been, don't fret. Good advice is available. It's on television, it's in magazines, it's on the internet, and it's available through a variety of advisors. In fact, there's so much, it can be hard to makes heads or tails of it. In this blog, with regular entries, articles, guest articles, Q & A sessions, and more, we'll tame the tiger. We'll help our readers make sense of the tons of financial information available. In short, we'll give good advice. So, enjoy and read away.

The Best Financial Advice Ever - MSN Money: "Someone, somewhere along the way passed along a nugget of financial wisdom that you took to heart. Maybe you absorbed the messages over time from some role model, such as a parent or grandparent. Or perhaps you just heard the right thing at the right time from a friend, an adviser or even a total stranger. If you're not doing well financially, maybe you're finally ready to hear some advice that could make all the difference." Read more of this guest article.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Gary, this is great information. I skimmed through the article and it had some good points about common sense money management. The info about owning your business and the building its in is pretty solid advice. Good stuff!

Mello Melanin, The Hot Instrumentalist