Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Are You an Irrational Investor?

Are you an irrational investor? - MSN Money Reviews of tens of thousands of investor accounts (with identities concealed but all the buy and sell actions revealed) have demonstrated that investors routinely make irrational choices. In the process, they frequently blow their own best interests to smithereens. Read more of this guest article.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Easily Reach Your Retirement Goals

Retiring in style takes good planning and discipline, combined with taking action today to create the tomorrow you envision.

Easily Reach Your Retirement Goals by Following Our 10 Personal Finance Axioms - AAII: "What's the key to making good personal finance and investment choices? It isn't necessary to understand the inner workings of the securities markets or the mathematical economies underlying investment theory." Read more of this guest article.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

The No.1 Reason Why Couples Fight

The No.1 Reason Why Couples Fight: "Sex and money consistently rank among the top two reasons why couples fight. In both cases, one member of the group just can't seem to get enough of what he or she views as a scarce commodity. However, arguments about money, according to nearly every survey on the topic, generally win out as the top issue. In fact, according to a booklet entitled 'Making Marriage Last', which is published by the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers, problems relating to financial matters are a major reason why marriages break down." Read more of this guest article.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Three Simple Steps To Building Wealth

Three Simple Steps To Building Wealth: "Building wealth - it's a topic that sparks heated debate, promotes quirky 'get rich quick' schemes and drives people to pursue transactions they might otherwise never consider. 'Three Simple Steps To Building Wealth' may seem like a misleading title, but it isn't. While these steps are simple to understand, they're not easy to follow." Read more of this guest article.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Economics 101 for Investors

Economics 101 for Investors - Vanguard: "The direction of the economy certainly matters. It affects the financial markets as well as how safe your job is, how your income may grow, what goods and services will cost you, and how much interest you'll pay to borrow. It's undeniably helpful to know some basics about the economy.

As an investor, however, you probably need to consider only one economic question: Do you think the economy will grow over time, as it has in the past? Investing, especially in stocks, is an act of faith in the ability of market economies to grow over the long haul thanks to the effort and creativity of people. If you believe the sweat and ingenuity of individuals will lead to long-term growth, you don't need to give lots of thought to short-term moves in the economy." Read more of this guest article.